
Feng Shui Expert Josiah Bouricius

My Thoughts And Advice Re: Covid

02 April 2020

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and in good health.

I thought I’d provide a perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic looking at it’s relation to Chinese Astrology, and tools to improve health and immunity through Feng Shui.

In Chinese astrology and Feng Shui ‘stars’ are energies that collect in various areas of spaces and the world during different time periods.

For 2020 there is a yearly 5 star in the East which is the general direction of health and healing. The monthly 5 star for March 5th-April 3rd has ALSO been in the East. The 5 is sometimes called a ‘disaster star’ but also a ‘transformation star’ since it presents opportunities for growth.

The double 5 combination is far more challenging than simply having a 5 for the month or year alone, and we saw the Corona panic ramp up just after the new energy came in March 5th. Also the East area of the world is considered to include China, where COVID-19 originated.

The 5 in the East can bring pandemics like the one we are seeing. The East is also the area of government and the yearly 5 there, especially during the double 5 months (there will be another in December), can bring about revolutions and coups. In fact on March 26th Kosovo’s Prime Minister was ousted after refusing to declare a state of emergency.

With the 5 in the East, we will all get hints from the universe about what we need to do to improve our health if we are out of balance. Of course this has been happening on a global level too as the pandemic has revealed weaknesses in our health care and political systems. My hope is that we will answer this call and ultimately see this crisis as a tipping point that led to a better world.

There are other factors in addition to astrology behind the situation, and the yearly 5 will be in the East until January/February 2021. That said I’m hoping for at least some positive shift after the monthly 4 star which is more auspicious replaces the monthly 5 in the East this weekend (April 4th-5th).


As the East is the general direction of health and healing, we can strengthen health for ourselves and our family/workplace by activating it. Place emerald green (the color of healing) in the East area of your bedroom, living room or office. A great option is an image of a large, healthy tree or forest with vibrant emerald green color leaves.

You can also use a real plant to activate this area but make sure it doesn’t have spiky leaves/needles (no cactuses!) and no live plants in the bedroom (too yang/active for a place where you sleep-use an image instead). Bamboo and jade plants are good choices.

Stay healthy and safe!

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