My long-time teacher Marie Diamond has been called “The secret behind The Secret” because she has been a mentor and Feng Shui consultant to the majority of the teachers from the massively popular film and book (Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, John Gray etc.) and used her techniques to help “The Secret” and its concepts reach iconic status.
Despite all this and the fact that she is a major advocate for The Secret and the ‘Law of Attraction’ more generally, she disagrees as I do with The Secret’s message that ‘it’s all in your mind’. It’s true our thoughts play a very important role in what we manifest in our lives, but there are other important factors.
Many people are amazed by the quick, often dramatic results when they first begin using traditional Feng Shui, even those who have spent many years and many thousands of dollars working on self-improvement. Why is this?
According to Chinese tradition a person has three types of luck, each of which is believed to be responsible for 1/3 of their total luck. Heavenly luck is seen as the positive or negative karma a person comes into this life with. Human luck is seen as the result of your day to day actions in this life-good deeds, meditation or exercise, lifestyle etc.
The third type of luck is your Earth Luck, your environment, your Feng Shui.
Unfortunately many teachers and gurus ignore or downplay the role of energy and environment in people’s lives. This results in people blaming themselves for things that are caused by bad Feng Shui. They may be doing all the right things, working with a coach, setting great goals, meditating and visualizing and taking massive action yet wondering why they’re still stuck.
According to Marie “Most Self Help gurus will tell you that your mind can manifest everything. They have convinced you in believing that changing your mindset is the only way to create success and money. They are wrong. When some of them hit the ceiling with their own methods, who do you think they call in to their life?”
“Yes, it is me. And they pay me many thousands of dollars to unblock their life and business… In private, they will admit that they are stuck. But in public they will tell you their methods will change your reality 100 % and they let you pay thousands to only work with your mindset.”
Want to improve the energy in your environment and take your success to the next level? Reach out to schedule a session with me in person or via Zoom video chat.
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