15 April 2020
Energy is all around us. Both science and the world’s mystical traditions have long told us energy fields permeate everything we see. Every person AND place has a unique energy.
Dowsing is an ancient practice used to detect and cure the effects of geopathic stress and other harmful earth energies. Geopathic stress is caused by various underground formations and negatively affects human health and well being. If your home or office is located on a geopathic stress line it’s important to cure it and doing so will improve your health and success (especially if you’ve been sleeping or working directly in its path).
The energy of place affects your life in many ways. Negative energy can cause problems like lack of romance, lack of money, lack of sleep and a weak immune system.
Lets give a real life example-a couple visited their favorite restaurant and sat at a corner table. When they entered the two of them were into each other, having a beautiful time but when they sat there suddenly they started quarreling and stopped talking. They had their meal and left the restaurant. A few days later they again visited the same restaurant and sat at the same table and the same thing happened, but when they visited the restaurant for the third time the restaurant was full so they were given a different table. That day they had a great time together-because they were sitting in a place with better energy.
Now imagine the effects of places where you spend much more time-your bedroom or office for example.
This type of experience is very common, but especially in western culture most people are unaware of the underlying cause. Dowsing has been practiced alongside classical Feng Shui for thousands of years, and I use it to not only detect but cure negative energies and restore the natural flow of positive earth emissions.
When moving into a new space I strongly recommend dowsing and curing it before settling in, as was the practice of ancient Chinese emperors when they built a new palace for example. The results are amazing!
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